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Home Resources Archive MEdSI Registration

Who can apply?

Applicants with post STPM or its equivalent who are interested in  Bachelor in Education degree programs and applicants who possess a Bachelor degree and are interested to take the post degree Diploma in Education in local universities.  Applicants who meet the general and specific requirements will be selected by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to take the MEdSI test.

How to apply?

The MOHE will advertise for applications for the Bachelor in Education degree program and post degree Diploma in Education programs. Interested applicants may apply on-line at the MOHE portal (www.mohe.gov.my).

Status of Application

Candidates must take note of the date to check their eligibility to take the MedSI from advertisements and notices in the mass media issued by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education.

Successful applicants who are called for interview (passed the MEdSI test)

Applicants are to check if they are called for an interview at the MOHE portal (www.mohe.gov.my). For further enquiries on the MEdSI test, please contact the Students Admission Division, Dept of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education at 03-88835801/5602 or the MOHE portal (www.mohe.gov.my).

MEC Staff